Adult Ministry

The Adult ministry provides opportunities for you to grow closer in your relationship with God, your mate and your family. By providing Biblical guidance and a genuine caring environment.  Through Sunday School Groups and classes designed specifically to meet the needs of Adults, you will receive help to grow spiritually as an individual and a couple.

Bible Study Classes (9:30 - 10:30 am):

*Median Adults taught by Steve Vaughn (meets in Fellowship Hall)

*Ruth class (Ladies) taught by Patricia Rutherford (meets in the choir practice room)

*Men’s Class taught by Dale Smith & Rev. Lester Adams (Educational Wing)

*Auditorium  Class taught by Rev. Mike Burkett (Educational Wing)

*Regardless of your age, anyone is welcomed in one of our adult classes. You will find a range of age groups in all of our classes, so don't let the name of the class fool you. Why not try one each week till you find the right one. You will be glad you did.